When you start researching cannabis, you will discover since the 1970s that cannabis has been divided into three sub-species, Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Ruderalis and then there are also hybrids – a result of careful crossbreeding. Most strains today are of the hybrid type and anything with Ruderalis in it will be referred to as an auto flowering strain, meaning it will produce flowers after a given time period regardless of light exposure. Generally speaking Indicas are more relaxing and Sativas more stimulating. An easy way to tell the two species apart is by appearance. Indica plants have wider leaves and are shorter trees, making them suitable for growing indoors. Sativa plants are tall with long, narrow leaves. They are usually grown outdoors. Then their effects are commonly known as: Sativa uplifting, energising and stimulating cerebral, spacey or hallucinogenic best suited for day use Indica relaxing, calming and sedating bod...
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