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5 Ways Marijuana Affects Your Sleep

cannabis sleep

It’s common for individuals to use marijuana before hour, whether or not out of habit or necessity. Now, analysis of marijuana and sleep helps explain why.

Besides easing insomnia, marijuana seems to have a wide range of effects on sleep.
This is because compounds in marijuana, known as cannabinoids, really mimic the activity of chemicals found naturally in the brain.

These compounds and their biological pathways make up the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating sleep, among other things.

Furthermore, the study shows that marijuana can also have a direct impact on sleep. Here are 5 of the most important effects that studies have identified so far.

1. Easier Falling Asleep

Some of the initial examination on marijuana and sleep shows that marijuana’s main ingredient, THC, can significantly reduce the time it takes for both insomniacs and healthy people to fall asleep.
In a small comparison published in 1973, THC lessened the time it took for 9 subjects with insomnia to fall asleep by over an hour on average. Nevertheless, the researchers noted that too high of a dose could counteract the effect.
THC was also found to ease falling asleep in a 2013 research involving healthy subjects.

2. Longer Sleep
Early investigations also unveiled that taking either THC before bed could lead to an increase in overall sleep. In one study, increasing the dose of THC also improved the amount of time spent sleeping
However, higher doses of psychoactive drug conjointly caused a “hangover” feeling in some subjects after they woke, while the feeling was not present at lower doses.

3. More Deep Sleep
Some of the more impressive effects of marijuana on sleep involve its impact on the sleep cycle. Comparisons show that THC can increase the amount of slow-wave sleep, also known as deep sleep, that a user experiences during their slumber.
This is likely a good thing since deep sleep is believed to play a major role in the renewal process that occurs during sleep.

What’s a lot of, experts believe that the most damaging effects of sleep deprivation result from a lack of slow-wave sleep. For example, a study has shown that decreased slow-wave sleep can be a strong predictor of high blood pressure in older men.

4. Shorter REM Sleep
Another way marijuana affects the sleep cycle is a decrease in REM sleep. Many people United Nations agency smoke before bed report an absence of dreaming, which only occurs during REM sleep.

While less REM sleep could be seen as a negative effect of marijuana use, specialists are still not sure what purpose REM sleep actually serves.
Nevertheless, people who quit after using marijuana on a frequent basis often experience an increase in REM sleep, also known as the “REM rebound” effect, which is co-occurred by an increase in dreaming and unrest during sleep. But this impact tends to wear off at intervals days or weeks, depending on the individual.

5. Better Breathing
When it comes to medical use, marijuana could offer an incredible benefit to approximately 25% of men and 9% of women who undergo a disorder called sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is distinguished by disrupted breathing during sleep and has been linked to a number of serious conditions, including diabetes and heart problems. Unluckily, the vast majority of sleep apnea patients remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Even of those who seek prescription, many ultimately give up on wearing a CPAP mask every night.
But that’s where marijuana may help, as researchers are currently trialling THC as an option, with early results already showing promise. If clinical trials ar booming, apnea patients could in the future have the choice of swapping a large sleep mask for pop some pills before bed.

 Disclaimer: the principles contained here is not designed nor meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is only achieved for educational confidences only. You should take full responsibility for the way you decide on to use this information.

Tags: Sleep

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