Prostate cancer is a founded public health concern in modern society and has been for decades. It is the most common cancer in men (asides from non-melanoma skin cancer) and the second most common cause of cancer death in the world. Even with widespread screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA), still, 5% of cases present with metastatic lesions at the time of diagnosis. Because of all this, there is a fundamental necessity to search for and find new and novel treatments to this common pathology. Cannabis oil and cannabinoids have typically been a problem of abundant polemics within the realm of science, but since the discovery of cannabinoid receptors in rat brain in the late 1980s, there has been a growing interest in the research of these compounds and our knowledge continues to expand. There has been experimental evidence that cannabinoids possess anti-androgenic proprieties (blocking the effects of androgens, such as testosterone).
Understanding Prostate Cancer
Like all cancers, prostate cancer begins when cells begin to grow uncontrollably. In this particular case, the man’s prostate gland starts to grow way bigger than the average walnut-size.
In the u. s., prostate cancer hits African-American men aged 50 years old and above the most. The most likely reason for this is either genetics or unhealthy eating habits, such as a diet composed mainly of fatty food.
Types of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer can manifest in different parts of the gland. As stated in various research findings that have been conducted, 25% of the cases are metastatic during the time of diagnosis.
Commonly, the disease begins with symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), or simply an enlarged prostate gland in layman’s terms. BPH is common among men in their 50’s, but only 10% need medical or surgical intervention.
But once it worsens and becomes malignant and cancerous, and these types of cancer are:
- Prostatic adenocarcinoma
- Small cell carcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Prostatic sarcomas
- Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
- Patients with early glandular cancer generally don’t expertise any symptoms. Though, in more advanced stages, they can have symptoms like:
- Frequent urge to urinate
- A weak or slow urinary stream
- Erectile dysfunction
- Blood in the semen or urine
- Change in bladder or bowel functions
- Pain in areas where cancer has spread
In addition to the symptoms related to glandular cancer, prostate cancer patients deal with symptoms caused by any type of cancer. Cancer symptoms have the potential to severely impact daily functioning and quality of life. General cancer symptoms include:
- Chronic pain
- Rapid and unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
Ninety-nine per cent of prostate cancers is adenocarcinomas or cancers that form in the body’s gland cells.
For men, glandular cancer is that the third leading reason for cancer death.
Despite that number, people with prostate cancer have a high survival rate. They have a 99 per cent chance of surviving after five years, 98 per cent of surviving after 10 years and a 96 per cent chance of surviving after 15 years.
One in seven men can receive a glandular cancer identification in his period of time.
Having a first-degree relative with glandular cancer over doubles your risk of obtaining it yourself.
Traditional Prostate Cancer Treatments & Their Side Effects
Treatment for glandular cancer varies consistent with the ‘stage’ the malady is in. For example, stage I prostate cancer could involve radiation therapy. In stage III, you may require external radiation plus hormone therapy. Because the range of treatments varies, so do the side effects which include:
- Bowel dysfunction
- Urinary dysfunction
- Loss of fertility
- Erectile dysfunction
Rick Simpsons Oil for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Cannabis oil has been championed as a method of easing therapy symptoms for a few time, but exciting new research suggests it could be capable of killing cancer cells. Positive leads to science laboratory tests on animals semiconductor diode to the publication of a big paper in 2012. In it, the author claims that pre-clinical proof was sufficient to warrant clinical trials of cannabinoid medicines as anti-cancer treatments.
Once again, it all comes down to the impact of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) or more pertinently, the impact of weed on the ECS. The excessive range of receptors found on glandular cancer cells counsel that each one isn't well inside the ECS.
Rick Simpsons Oil reduces the pain caused by tumour pressure, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical procedures. Most of the states that allow cannabis oil use approve chronic pain as a valid condition for the drug, and for good reason. Pain is one of the most researched and documented conditions successfully treated with Rick Simpsons Oil.
Cannabis oil stimulates your appetite and reduces nausea. While cancer causes both losses of appetite and weight loss, harsher treatments like chemotherapy cause nausea. The cannabis oil works as both an appetite stimulant and antiemetic, making it easier to get the nutrition you need.
Certain strains of cannabis can give you an energy boost when cancer wears you out. Using a Sativa strain will clear your mind and kickstart your productivity.
Or, if you need facilitate sleeping thanks to cancer symptoms inflicting sleep disorder, Indica strains provide sedation and relaxation. You need to urge the maximum amount rest as doable once you have a malady like cancer.
A potentially ground-breaking benefit of medical cannabis oil still researching is its ability to kill cancer cells and keep them from spreading. Combined with its painkilling abilities, cannabis could work as the cancer medication hiding right under our noses.
Along with the anti-inflammatory benefits of Rick Simpsons Oil, clinical considerations have also repeatedly shown cannabis oil stimulates the appetite and reduces nausea, which can be critical for prostate cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.
Some researches have also found patients using medical marijuana suffer from less fatigue associated with radiation treatment, allowing the patient to live a more productive life while undergoing the treatment.
Finally, the relaxation benefits of Rick Simpsons Oil have been shown to allow cancer patients to reduce stress levels, which, in turn, allows the body to better fight off the growth of the cancer cells.
Anandamide, a cannabinoid naturally created by our bodies, could work to kill and inhibit prostate cancer cells. Researchers investigated anandamide’s result on isolated glandular carcinoma cells. To evaluate what proportion it wedged neoplastic cell levels and unfold, they used a wide variety of evaluations, like staining and growth tests. The anandamide reduced receptors that communicate cell growth by activating the CB1 receptor. It also killed off a large number of cancer cells.
A review detected that cannabinoids might cut back some factors inflicting glandular carcinoma. Back in 1974, scientists found they lowered sperm production and testosterone levels in rats. In the early Nineteen Eighties, researchers observed a decrease in substances like fructose and citric acid. The compounds examined during this study area unit all regulated by androgenic hormone levels, and also the results implicit cannabis oil might cut back hormones that cause and exacerbate glandular carcinoma.
Disclaimer: the principles contained here is not designed nor meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is only achieved for educational confidences only. You should assume full responsibility for the way you decide to use this information on this blog.
Tags: Cancer
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